We’re excited to introduce and welcome Efthimi Parasidis to our blogging community as a regular contributor.
Efthimi holds joint appointments as Assistant Professor of Law in the Moritz College of Law and the College of Public Health at Ohio State University. His scholarship examines regulation of medical products and human subjects research, the interplay between health law and intellectual property, and how health information technology can inform public health policy. As a Fulbright Scholar, Efthimi researched legal and ethical issues related to medical informed consent policies and practices in Greece. His book project with Oxford earned him the Junior Scholars in Bioethics Award, and the American Society of Law, Medicine and Ethics selected him as a Health Law Scholar. Prior to joining the Ohio State faculty, he was a professor at the Center for Health Law Studies at Saint Louis University, where he earned the Thompson Coburn Faculty Scholarship Award and the SEALS Call for Papers Award. While in Missouri, Efthimi was an appointed member of the Law & Policy Workgroup of Missouri Health Connection, the entity responsible for creating Missouri’s health information exchange.
Some of Efthimi’s representative works include:
- Justice and Beneficence in Military Medicine and Research, 73 Ohio State Law Journal __ (forthcoming 2012).
- Human Enhancement and Experimental Research in the Military, 44 Connecticut Law Review 1117 (2012).
- Patients Over Politics: Addressing Legislative Failure in the Regulation of Medical Products, 2011 Wisconsin Law Review 929 (2011).
- A Uniform Framework for Patent Eligibility, 85 Tulane Law Review 323 (2010).
Welcome, Efthimi!
Updated September 2013.