We’re excited to introduce and welcome Katie Kraschel to our blogging community as a regular contributor.
Katie is a recent alum of the Petrie-Flom student fellowship program, where she wrote a paper on surrogacy regulation with a focus on the role of surrogacy agencies. She graduated cum laude from Harvard Law School in 2012, and is currently Associate Counsel at Yale New Haven Health. Prior to joining Yale New Haven Health, she was an associate at Foley & Lardner LLP in its Health Care Industry team. She is also a 2012-2013 Harvard Medical School Division of Medical Ethics Fellow. Prior to law school, Katie worked in the laboratory at Pfizer Global Research and Development and earned a B.S. from Mount Holyoke College in biochemistry. She is interested in patient care issues, particularly the influence of policy, technology and social change on the doctor-patient relationship. A board member of Greater Boston PFLAG, she is also interested in the biomedicalization of gender and recently published a student note in the Harvard Journal of law and Gender entitled “Transcending Space in Women’s Only Spaces: Title IX Cannot be the Basis for Exclusion.”
Welcome, Katie!