By Hyeongsu Park and Kathy Wang
- As part of its effort to control prescription drug abuse, an advisory panel of experts to the Food and Drug Administration voted on Friday to toughen the restrictions on painkillers containing hydrocodone like Vicodin.
- According to the new report of the Environmental Protection Agency, lead levels in young children in the United States have declined dramatically in recent decades, but the asthma rate among children rose.
- Three days after the 40th anniversary of the decision in Roe v. Wade, tens of thousands of abortion opponents from around the country came to the National Mall on Friday for the annual March for Life rally.
- Johnson & Johnson executives knew years before they recalled a flawed artificial hip in 2010 that it had a critical design flaw, but the company concealed that information, according to internal documents disclosed on Friday during a trial related to the device’s failure.
- The New York Chapter of the NAACP sided with the American soft-drink industry in a legal challenge against against Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s restrictions on sugary drink sizes by filing a joint amicus brief on Wednesday. The amicus brief filed by the NAACP can be found here.
- Millions of low-income people could be required to pay more for health care under a proposed federal policy that would give states more freedom to impose co-payments and other charges on Medicaid patients.
- Germany announced on Thursday that it would reinstate the annual pledge of 200 million euros to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.