Call for Applications – Yale Summer Institute in Bioethics

Announcing Yale University Summer Institute in Bioethics
June 3-July 26, 2013
New Haven, Connecticut

Yale’s Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics hosts an intensive Summer Institute for U.S. and international participants. The Institute is an 8-week immersion consisting of lectures, seminars, and research exploring bioethical concerns relating to medicine, law, religion, public health, animal rights, and the environment.

Application deadline for U.S. applicants: January 15, 2013, International students encouraged to apply by November 30.

Tuition is $1,400 (undergraduates), $2,000 (law students, medical students, other graduate students and post-doctoral fellows), $3,000 (professionals). Housing is available within walking distance for an additional cost. Course credit is available.

For further information, please see or contact Carol Pollard at or (203) 432-6188


Upcoming Event – The Valuation of Life and Health in Government Policies

Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Harvard Kennedy School
Belfer Center, Room 1

Jonathan Wolff will be discussing the valuation of life and health in government policies.  Free and open to the public.  Stop by if you’re in Cambridge!

(And don’t forget about Michael Sandel’s talk, “What Money Can’t Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets” – which is unfortunately at a conflicting time at the law school. Take your pick!)

Upcoming Event – What Money Can’t Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets, 9/19/12

The Petrie-Flom Center will be co-sponsoring this lecture by Michael Sandel, the Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor of Government at Harvard University, on his recent book What Money Can’t Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets published earlier this year. A question and answer period with Prof. Sandel and a small reception will immediately follow his lecture.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012
2019 Milstein West Conference Center, Rooms A & B
Wasserstein Hall, Harvard Law School