Reminder: Abstracts for Petrie-Flom Annual Conference Due 12/10/12

Just a reminder, abstracts for the Petrie-Flom Center’s annual conference – this year entitled “The Food and Drug Administration in the 21st Century” – are due no later than December 10, 2012.  This one and a half day event will take place Friday and Saturday, May 3-4, 2013, at Harvard Law School in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

For further details, see the Call for Papers/Presentations.

Announcement – Nova Law Review Openings

The Nova Law Review has openings in two upcoming issues and invites submissions of essays or articles. The first book with openings is the general book of the Law Review, for which the Law Review is seeking articles on any topic to fill a few holes.

The second book is a symposium issue for which the Law Review is seeking additional articles illustrating the intersection between the law and issues impacting veterans.  The Shepard Broad Law Center at Nova Southeastern University is hosting a symposium titled Wounds of War:  Meeting the Needs of Active Duty Military Personnel and Veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder on February 1, 2013.  The book is intended to be a special interdisciplinary issue providing a forum for discourse between scholars and practitioners to discuss emerging issues in the field of veterans’ affairs.  Potential topics may include, but are not limited to, the following:  veterans experiencing post traumatic stress disorder, veterans’ courts as therapeutic jurisprudence, any disability treatment post-active duty, any mental therapy treatment pre- and post-duty, the psychological effects of disabilities within the military and a military member’s family, philosophical ideas on how to improve the medical and psychological treatment of active duty military or veterans, etc.

Authors are invited to submit manuscripts of no more than 50 pages including footnotes for either book.  Shorter pieces are welcome. Email submissions are preferred; the subject line should include the words “General Book” for submissions for that book and the words “VA Symposium” for submissions for that book.  Each submission should include a cover letter and a C.V. Please submit all materials by November 1, 2012 to Raul Valero, Editor-in-Chief, at or Rachel Bausch, Lead Articles Editor, at

[cross-posted at HealthLawProf Blog]

Jurimetrics Call for Papers – Special Issue: Intersection of Law, Science, and Policy to Protect the Public’s Health

Jurimetrics: The Journal of Law, Science, and Technology (ASU/ABA) is seeking submissions for a special symposium issue edited by James Hodge on the Intersection of Law, Science, and Policy to Protect the Public’s Health, to be published in Spring 2013.  Potential manuscripts may include:

  1. Examinations of how and why law, policy, and science either advance (or fail to advance) the public’s health;
  2. Assessments of the role of science in furthering legal and policy objectives to protect communal health;
  3. Strategies to advance public health initiatives through law or policy despite a lack of strong, scientific support or evidence;
  4. Strategies to make better use of existing legal or policy tools to achieve public health objectives.

Unlike some symposia, this issue is not focused solely on a specific public health topic.  Rather, manuscripts may explore one or more core public health law topics like obesity prevention, chronic and infectious disease control, emergency preparedness, public health system reform, or tobacco prevention, among others, at the national or global level.

Original articles may range in length from 3,500 – 5,000 words (not including footnotes).  Contributors may include scholars or practitioners in law, public health, science, or policy.  Co-authored, cross-disciplinary manuscripts are also encouraged.

Contact James Hodge (james dot hodge dot 1 at asu dot edu) for more information, but initial brief abstracts are due to him by Friday, Sept. 28 (manuscripts will be due Nov. 15).  He’s also seeking peer reviewers.

Call for Abstracts: ACA Book

We’ll occasionally be posting event announcements here, as well as calls for papers, etc. that are likely to be of interest to our readership.  Speaking of which, one such announcement came in today (from Fritz Allhoff in the Philosophy Department at Western Michigan University):

A few months ago, we put out a call for a special issue of Public Affair Quarterly focusing on the Affordable Care Act decision.  The response was overwhelming, and we received far more submissions than we could accommodate in a single journal issue.  We’re now expanding the project to include–in addition to the special issue of the journal–an edited volume.  If anyone is interested in participating, please submit a 500-750 word abstract to Fritz Allhoff ( directly. The coverage will still be the same as the earlier call, available here: