Cell Therapies and their Legal Discontents

In February, the news broke that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had approved a “first of its kind” new cancer therapy. Iovance’s AMTAGVITM, the subject of the approval, is a personalized immunotherapy for advanced melanoma. To be treated, adult patients who are ineligible for surgery or have metastatic disease provide their tumor cells to their medical team. Tumor-attacking T-cells are isolated from the sample, grown and multiplied in-lab, and re-infused into the patients for a turbo-charged immune response that, according to clinical trial data, have shown promise in shrinking patients’ tumors. This drug joins a list of others that work something like this: Patients provide cell samples, which are then isolated and modified or expanded in-lab, and then eventually infused back into their bodies. This general patient experience, though, indicates a different model from what we have seen before. These “living drugs” use your own cells, but better, to fight these daunting battles.

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blue brain hovers over bright blue circle.

Is OI the New AI? Questions Surrounding “Brainoware”

By Adithi Iyer

The idea of artificial intelligence is just seeping into our collective consciousness, but as we watch new developments in the space, the true “new kid on the block” may be a new type of infused human-technology intelligence — one derived from a blob of cells no larger than a grain of rice. These new units of computational prowess are brain organoids, grown in-lab and capable of producing very basic, but real-time, neurological activity. Brain organoids are a specific, and arguably the most interesting, subset of organoid models that are just beginning to enter legal debates.

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Culturing cells in tissue culture plates.

R&D Mini-Me? New Legal Questions for Organoids

By Adithi Iyer

I have written previously about the not-so-distant possibility and promise of regenerative medicine, an area concerned with therapies that encourage the body to repair or heal itself. Cell-mediated and tissue-based technologies hold promise in inducing self-repair from within the body, and they’re making their way to market in traditional medicine. Much has been made of recently discussed CAR-T cell therapies for cancer, which have been around since 2017, and in-human sickle cell treatment Casgevy. Such applications of regenerative medicine and tissue engineering are wide-spanning and range across the bench-to-bedside pathway.

One application of regenerative medicine gaining some ground in the R&D space is the organoid. Organoids are lab-grown masses of cells and tissue that assemble to form miniature organs or organ systems in vitro. They come, too, in different forms and types, and while some organoid applications are heavily modified for specific functions, many are meant to recreate and model the naturally occurring organ systems we would find in our own bodies.

Organoids may sound especially futuristic, but are currently used regularly in labs for different research and therapeutic applications. A functional “organ” model not attached to a human body could offer the opportunity to model diseases and test treatments in real time without the need for an animal model (like the mice used today), especially in preclinical and early clinical trials for new drugs. Organoids generate information and data, and a single organoid model can even be hooked up to a “system” with other organoids to model systems and interrelated processes at once. The production of these models occurs in-lab, often involving stem cells that can divide and organize into tissues and organs on their own.

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Newspapers and Laptop.

AI, Copyright, and Open Science: Health Implications of the New York Times/OpenAI Lawsuit

By Adithi Iyer

The legal world is atwitter with the developing artificial intelligence (“AI”) copyright cage match between The New York Times and OpenAI. The Times filed its complaint in Manhattan Federal District Court on December 27 accusing OpenAI of unlawfully using its (copyrighted and paywalled) articles to train ChatGPT. OpenAI, in turn, published a sharply-worded response on January 8, claiming that its incorporation of the material for training purposes squarely constitutes fair use. This follows ongoing suits by authors against OpenAI on similar grounds, but the titanic scale of the Times-OpenAI dispute and its application of these issues to media in federal litigation makes it one to watch. While much of the buzz around the case has centered on its intellectual property and First Amendment implications, there may be implications for the health and biotech industries. Here’s a rundown of the major legal questions at play and the health-related stakes for a future decision.

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Person hands keys into another person's outstretched hand.

We May Not ‘Own’ Our Bodies. Should We?

By Adithi Iyer

As the provision of human tissue leaves the research realm and becomes a bona fide consumer transaction, our legal responses to these developments will be most effective when we know what we want to protect, and how.

Perhaps the most famous discussion around tissue “donation” comes from the story of Henrietta Lacks and her family. Ms. Lacks is the namesake and unknowing donor of HeLa cells, and subject of the Rebecca Skloot bestseller, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. In a settlement obtained just this past summer with manufacturing giant ThermoFisher, the Lacks estate (Ms. Lacks herself died of an aggressive cervical cancer in 1951) obtained a confidential payment for the unconsented taking of her cells for research. The settled case was built on an unjust enrichment claim, and while this wasn’t decided on the merits, it raises the question of whether a provision of tissue is a transfer of value. If so, what are our ownership stakes in that value? Read More

President Joe Biden at desk in Oval Office.

What’s on the Horizon for Health and Biotech with the AI Executive Order

By Adithi Iyer

Last month, President Biden signed an Executive Order mobilizing an all-hands-on-deck approach to the cross-sector regulation of artificial intelligence (AI). One such sector (mentioned, from my search, 33 times) is health/care. This is perhaps unsurprising— the health sector touches almost every other aspect of American life, and of course continues to intersect heavily with technological developments. AI is particularly paradigm-shifting here: the technology already advances existing capabilities in analytics, diagnostics, and treatment development exponentially. This Executive Order is, therefore, as important a development for health care practitioners and researchers as it is for legal experts. Here are some intriguing takeaways:  Read More

Operating room Doctor or Surgeon anatomy on Advanced robotic surgery machine.

Protecting Consumer Privacy in DTC Tissue Testing

By Adithi Iyer

In my last piece, I discussed the hypothetical successor of 23andme — a tissue-based direct-to-consumer testing service I’ve called yourtissueandyou — and the promise and perils that it might bring in consumer health information and privacy. Now, as promised, a closer look at the “who” and “how” of protecting the consumer at the heart of direct-to-consumer precision medicine. While several potential consumer interests are at stake with these services, at top of mind is data privacy — especially when the data is medically relevant and incredibly difficult to truly de-anonymize.

As we’ve established, the data collected by a tissue-based service will be vaster and more varied than we’ve seen before, magnifying existing issues with traditional data privacy. Consumer protections for this type of information are, in a word, complicated. A singular “authority” for data privacy does not exist in the United States, instead being spread among individual state data privacy statutes and regulatory backstops (with overlapping sections of some federal statutes in the background). In the context of health, let alone highly sophisticated cell signaling and microenvironment data, the web gets even more tangled.

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sample tube in female hands with pipette.

Why We Should Care About the Move from Saliva to Living Cells in Precision Medicine

By Adithi Iyer

The cultural, informational, and medical phenomenon that is 23andMe has placed a spotlight on precision medicine, which seeks to personalize medical care to each patient’s unique makeup. Thus far, advances in direct-to-consumer genetic testing have made saliva-sample sequencing services all the rage in this space, but regenerative medicine, which relies on cells and tissues, rather than saliva, now brings us to a new, increasingly complex inflection point.

While collecting and isolating DNA samples from saliva may offer a wealth of information regarding heredity, disease risk, and other outflows of the “instruction manual” for patients, analyzing cells captures the minutiae of patients that goes “beyond the book” and most closely informs pathology. Disease isn’t always “written in the stars” for patients. Epigenetic changes from environmental exposures, cell-to-cell signaling behaviors, and the mutations present in diseased cells all profoundly inform how cells behave in whether and how they code the instructions that DNA offers. These factors are critical to understanding how disease materializes, progresses, and ultimately responds to treatment. This information is highly personal to each patient, and reflects behavioral factors as well as genetics.

Regenerative medical technologies use cell- and tissue-based methods to recapitulate, bioengineer, and reprogram human tissue, making a whole suite of sci-fi-sounding technologies an ever-closer reality. With cell-based and other regenerative therapies entering the market (making up an entire FDA subgroup), it well worth considering how cell-based medicine can advance the world of personalized consumer testing. In other words, could a corporate, direct-to-consumer cell-based testing service be the next 23andMe? And what would that mean for patients?

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Five headshots of the Petrie-Flom Center student fellow cohort (2023-2024) on red background.

Petrie-Flom Welcomes 2023-2024 Student Fellows

(Clockwise from top left: Joelle Boxer, Adithi Iyer, Vincent Joralemon, Hannah Rahim, Bobby Stroup)

We are excited to welcome a new group of Student Fellows to the Petrie-Flom Center family. These five students are a fantastic cohort of health law policy, biotechnology, and bioethics scholars who join us from Harvard Law School.

They each will undertake a year-long research project with mentorship from Center faculty and affiliates, and also will blog here at Bill of Health regularly. Keep an eye out for their bylines!

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