Trump’s 2024 Triumph: A Wild Card for Seniors’ Health Care Coverage?

by Abeer Malik

In an ideal world, everyone has a “safety net” — a reliable layer of support that catches us when life’s challenges become overwhelming. For many Americans, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been a crucial piece of that safety net, providing access to affordable health care, expanded coverage options, and support for innovative medical care delivery methods that lower health care costs. During Donald Trump’s previous tenure as president, his repeated attempts to repeal and replace the ACA signaled a clear intent to overhaul federal health care insurance programs, even though the efforts ultimately fell short.

With Trump’s 2024 re-election, while broad health care debates are reignited, it is crucial to zero in on what this means specifically for aging Americans.

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Love and Liberalism in Surrogate Decision-Making

by James Toomey

If you are supposed to make a legally binding decision on behalf of someone incapacitated by dementia, chances are the law will tell you to apply the “substituted judgment” standard—you will be asked to make the decision the person for whom you are deciding would have made, if they had capacity. But why? You might think that the decision they would have made is a very bad one. And it’s not as though someone in the late stages of dementia is coming back to appreciate what you’ve done for them. Indeed, according to many philosophers (and ordinary people), someone in the late stages of dementia might not even be the same person they had been previously — why decide based on what some now-gone person would have wanted?

In Love, Liberalism, Substituted Judgment, recently published in the Indiana Law Journal, I offer a novel account of why the law might be justified in endorsing the substituted judgment standard in dementia cases, notwithstanding these sorts of difficulties. The argument proceeds in three steps. First, I suggest that dementia cases might not be the right place to start. In cases of temporary incapacity, such as that caused by a transient psychotic episode, questions about whether decisions made in the interim are really for the person don’t arise — that person will come back, and their life will be affected one way or another by what happened in the interim. The substituted judgment standard applies in these cases too, and, indeed, that is where it historically arose. Read More

Capacity and Medical Decision-Making in First- and Third-Person Perspectives

by James Toomey

Imagine that you were to develop dementia and someone else had to make medical decisions on your behalf. How would you want them to decide? Then suppose that you had to make medical decisions on behalf of another person with dementia. Would you think about decision-making in the same way? A new study in AJOB Empirical Bioethics by myself, Jonathan Lewis, Ivar Hannikainen, and Brian Earp suggests that people may favor different decisions when deciding for others versus when deciding what they would want for themselves.

In the study, we presented a cohort of nearly 1,500 U.S. participants with a vignette based on one of the most persistent and difficult questions in bioethics. The vignette describes someone with ordinary, lifelong cognitive functioning considering the possibility that in the future they might develop dementia and need to make a significant medical decision. But many years later, after they have undergone cognitive decline sufficient to lose legal capacity, the very circumstances they had contemplated occur and they make the opposite decision.

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rendering of luminous DNA with gene being removed with forceps.

Designer Babies? The Ethical and Regulatory Implications of Polygenic Embryo Screening

By Hannah Rahim

New technologies are increasing the accessibility of polygenic embryo screening, which can assess the likelihood of an embryo developing polygenic diseases (e.g., diabetes, schizophrenia) or provide insight into certain polygenic traits (e.g., height, intelligence). This procedure has many complex clinical, social, and ethical implications, but is currently unregulated in the U.S.

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View on Namche Bazar, Khumbu district, Himalayas, Nepal.

Intersectionality, Indigeneity, and Disability Climate Justice in Nepal

By Pratima Gurung, Penelope J.S. Stein, and Michael Ashley Stein

The climate crisis disproportionately impacts marginalized populations experiencing multilayered   and intersecting oppression, such as Indigenous Peoples with disabilities. To achieve climate justice, it is imperative to understand how multiple layers of oppression — arising from forces that include ableism, colonialism, patriarchy, and capitalism — interact and cause distinctive forms of multiple and intersectional discrimination. Only by understanding these forces can we develop effective, inclusive climate solutions.

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Colorful lottery balls in a rotating bingo machine.

Applying Luck Egalitarianism to Health Resource Allocation

By Hannah Rahim

Luck egalitarianism is a theory of political philosophy that provides that inequalities resulting from an individual’s informed choices are just and need not be reduced, whereas inequalities resulting from circumstances over which an individual has no control are unjust and should be reduced. The application of luck egalitarianism to health inequalities has some value when allocating health care resources, but it often conceptualizes health too narrowly and risks exacerbating existing unjust disparities. If luck egalitarianism is to be applied in developing health care policy, it must only be used in clearly defined circumstances and with a holistic approach.

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Hand arranging wood block pyramid with health icons on each block.

Does the ADA Protect People with Substance Use Disorder from Health Care Discrimination?

By Hannah Rahim

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits health care organizations that provide services to the public from discriminating against persons with disabilities. Although substance use disorder can be a disability under the ADA, there are limitations in the scope and enforcement of these ADA protections. Further action is needed to prevent discrimination in health care services towards persons with substance use disorder.

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hospital equipment

Scarcity Is Not an Excuse to Discriminate: Age and Disability in Health Care Rationing

By Silvia Serrano Guzmán

On July 4, 2023 the Constitutional Court of Colombia handed down a landmark decision on one of the most difficult dilemmas faced during the COVID-19 pandemic: the rationing of intensive care in situations of scarcity. Although the need for prioritization was a reality almost globally, many countries had no such regulation in place, which frequently led to the adoption of fragmented and discriminatory triage protocols.

The Colombian case reinforces that human rights and public health are not mutually exclusive. Importantly, this is reflected in the Principles and Guidelines on Human Rights & Public Health Emergencies (2023). Though the Principles did not exist during the litigation of the case, they will be of use in similar instances going forward, both for States working to develop human rights-compliant public health measures, as well as for courts reviewing such measures.

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Contemporary art collage. Human hands knitting brain.

Want to Change Minds About Psychedelics? Start with PTSD

By Vincent Joralemon

Psychedelics have a public relations problem, due in part to overzealous promoters, genuine risks, and bad science. But, recent psychedelic legislation sponsored by conservative congressperson Dan Crenshaw shows minds can be changed in this space.

Public perceptions will shape efforts to reclassify, decriminalize, and make psychedelics available for therapeutic use. The most effective way to change peoples’ opinions is to highlight the success stories of those who have tried psychedelics. And, as Crenshaw’s story shows, psychedelic-assisted therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a compelling application for precisely those who harbor the most skepticism towards these drugs.

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