Operating room Doctor or Surgeon anatomy on Advanced robotic surgery machine.

Protecting Consumer Privacy in DTC Tissue Testing

By Adithi Iyer

In my last piece, I discussed the hypothetical successor of 23andme — a tissue-based direct-to-consumer testing service I’ve called yourtissueandyou — and the promise and perils that it might bring in consumer health information and privacy. Now, as promised, a closer look at the “who” and “how” of protecting the consumer at the heart of direct-to-consumer precision medicine. While several potential consumer interests are at stake with these services, at top of mind is data privacy — especially when the data is medically relevant and incredibly difficult to truly de-anonymize.

As we’ve established, the data collected by a tissue-based service will be vaster and more varied than we’ve seen before, magnifying existing issues with traditional data privacy. Consumer protections for this type of information are, in a word, complicated. A singular “authority” for data privacy does not exist in the United States, instead being spread among individual state data privacy statutes and regulatory backstops (with overlapping sections of some federal statutes in the background). In the context of health, let alone highly sophisticated cell signaling and microenvironment data, the web gets even more tangled.

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sample tube in female hands with pipette.

Why We Should Care About the Move from Saliva to Living Cells in Precision Medicine

By Adithi Iyer

The cultural, informational, and medical phenomenon that is 23andMe has placed a spotlight on precision medicine, which seeks to personalize medical care to each patient’s unique makeup. Thus far, advances in direct-to-consumer genetic testing have made saliva-sample sequencing services all the rage in this space, but regenerative medicine, which relies on cells and tissues, rather than saliva, now brings us to a new, increasingly complex inflection point.

While collecting and isolating DNA samples from saliva may offer a wealth of information regarding heredity, disease risk, and other outflows of the “instruction manual” for patients, analyzing cells captures the minutiae of patients that goes “beyond the book” and most closely informs pathology. Disease isn’t always “written in the stars” for patients. Epigenetic changes from environmental exposures, cell-to-cell signaling behaviors, and the mutations present in diseased cells all profoundly inform how cells behave in whether and how they code the instructions that DNA offers. These factors are critical to understanding how disease materializes, progresses, and ultimately responds to treatment. This information is highly personal to each patient, and reflects behavioral factors as well as genetics.

Regenerative medical technologies use cell- and tissue-based methods to recapitulate, bioengineer, and reprogram human tissue, making a whole suite of sci-fi-sounding technologies an ever-closer reality. With cell-based and other regenerative therapies entering the market (making up an entire FDA subgroup), it well worth considering how cell-based medicine can advance the world of personalized consumer testing. In other words, could a corporate, direct-to-consumer cell-based testing service be the next 23andMe? And what would that mean for patients?

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white pills spilling out of orange plastic pill bottle onto hundred dollar bills.

Merck Price Negotiation Lawsuit May Face Same Obstacles as 340B Takings Claims

By Laura Dolbow

Merck recently filed a lawsuit that challenges the constitutionality of the Medicare price negotiation program created by the Inflation Reduction Act. Under this program, HHS will select a small number of single source drugs for price negotiation. Merck alleges that the price negotiation program operates as a price control because it effectively requires manufacturers to accept the maximum fair price as a condition of participation in Medicare and Medicaid. Merck argues that this form of price regulation charts a “radical new course” for Medicare that violates the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment.

But the price negotiation program is not the first time that Congress has placed a restriction on the prices that Medicare program participants can charge. And Merck’s lawsuit is not the first suit that has alleged that such price regulations are unconstitutional takings. Drug manufacturers recently made similar claims in litigation involving the 340B Drug Pricing Program. Two district courts rejected those claims, highlighting several obstacles that Merck’s takings claim may face as well.

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