The Life-Changing Benefits of Lifting State Licensure Restrictions for Telemedicine

by Shannon M. MacDonald

“M” was diagnosed with a rare skull-based cancer.  A one-in-a-million diagnosis, he was given little information about his diagnosis and told he must seek care outside his home state.  “M” worked full time, was the primary caretaker for two young kids, and could not fathom how he could travel to another state for treatment. He did not come to his scheduled out-of-state appointment. It was just too difficult. “M” was fortunate to have an older daughter who became involved in his healthcare, but she worked full time, had three young kids, and lived in a state far from her dad.  Flying to join her father to help coordinate health care in person would have meant time away from work, obtaining childcare, and the expense of a flight and hotel.

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