Image of a surgery room with a robot whose screen has a doctor with a stethoscope

The Problem With Doctors Communicating via Robot is Attitudes About Technology, Not Poorly Communicating Doctors

By Evan Selinger and Arthur Caplan

Perhaps you’ve seen the debate? A physician used video chat technology to inform a hospitalized Ernest Quintana and his family that he would be dying sooner than they expected. After he passed away, they objected to how the news was delivered. Over at Slate, Joel Zivot an anesthesiologist and ICU physician, responded to the uproar with an essay titled, “In Defense of Telling Patients They’re Dying Via Robot.” Read More

image of meditation app

Meditation? There’s an (almost FDA-approved) app for that

Headspace is paving the way for the first FDA-approved prescription meditation app.

Developers behind the mindfulness smartphone app, which has over 30 million users, are creating a new product under Headspace Health that will begin clinical trials this summer, in hopes of clearing FDA approval by 2020. The team is investigating how the app can help treat 12 mental and physical conditions.

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